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East Texas Locals, Professional Websites

Beth and Jeff  have three daughters, five grandkids, one dog and eight cats.  Their partnership has lasted 50+ years. They create results for your new or existing business or non-profit organization website, starting today.


Since moving to Lake Livingston in 2013, Beth and Jeff Miller have applied their combined 90 years of corporate and non-profit marketing experience to small businesses and nonprofits in Polk, Jasper, Liberty, Montgomery, San Jacinto and Harris Counties.

They've tried most of the platforms, GoDaddy, Square, and WordPress, and prefer and recommend Wix, a leading DIY website platform. Between them, over 50 sites achieved high search rankings, lead creation, and continue to display compelling content. These marketing masters know how to draw out clear business messages, with a quick and affordable process that delivers results.

Jeff Miller

With over 40 years in marketing communications, Jeff Miller has the knowledge, the contacts, the awards, and most importantly the experience to effectively develop and communicate your message to your customers. Whether it’s writing for ads, collateral material, articles, white papers, websites, or simply converting “engineer-speak” to something your non-technical customers can understand, Jeff Miller  can do it. He serves on the board of Polk County R.E.A.D.

Beth Miller

After 25 years in corporate technology marketing and 24 years as a marketing consultant, Beth turned her sights to coaching small businesses on marketing online, with email or in print.  She's created dozens of small business and non-profit websites just since moving to Lake Livingston, where she has been active with Childrenz Haven, Friends of Lake Livingston, and SJC Master Gardeners; and Piney Wood Lakes Texas Master Naturalist


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